We appreciate your talents! We depend on volunteers to provide the highest quality soccer experience for our youth.
Please let us know how you can help.
Head Coach – conducts and plans practices, oversees games, and keep parents informed.
Assistant Coach – assists head coach.
Field Maintenance – be part of the group that shares the job of preparing the fields, painting the lines, and repairing the nets.
Game Day - help set up and tear down flags and sponsor signs.
Field Clean Up – time in the spring and fall is set aside to prepare the fields for the season or winter.
Equipment – help maintain and distribute the club equipment.
Photos - help organize team and individual photos.
Concessions – help with concession sales during games.
Become a club sponsor – help provide the funds needed to run our program.
Referee – referee games and tournaments. Must be certified or take a course (paid position).
Club Board Member – help keep our program strong by serving on the board.
To become a volunteer, contact any of the board members.