U5-U10 age groups
In the U5-U10 age groups, players are allowed by ISA rules (and our insurance) to play up. Thus, we generally allow kids that are young for their grade (e.g., have August or September birthdays) to play with their classmates, even though they qualify for the next group lower. If your son or daughter is unusually large or unusually skilled for his or her age, he or she is also able to "play up". Unlike the other age groups, there is a minimum age for U5. U5 players must be 4 years old on July 31 before the Fall season. Playing "down" is also possible for U6-U10 teams in unusual cases, but requires paperwork to be filed by our registrar. Please contact info@northcentralstrykers.org if you want your child to play in a younger age group than is normal.
U11 and older age groups
In these age groups, the rules are the same, but there is considerable flexibility in IPSL league play. The IPSL does not check the ages of players. We (and all the other clubs in Iowa) generally organize teams according to their ages, but players may play up or down in IPSL games. All that is required for IPSL games is a player card from our club. For GDMJSL games, all players must be the correct age (or younger) and appear on the roster. Most tournaments allow a fixed number of guest players, but all players must be the correct age or younger.